Thank you for your interest in joining the National Coalition of 100 Black Women,  Inc., Harrisburg Chapter.

Any person who agrees to act in accordance with the purposes, aims, and bylaws of Harrisburg Chapter and the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. may become a member by successfully completing the membership process. We ask that you review the application process below.

If you believe the purpose and aims of the Coalition provide a good fit for your personal and professional goals, please review our membership FAQs and be sure to register for our next membership interest meeting.   Feel free to click the Contact Us tab if you would like to be added to our distribution list for Chapter information. 

2024-25 Membership Application and FAQs will be available soon.  

Prospective Membership Intake:

  1. Attend mandatory membership interest meeting. 
  2. Submit completed application along with application fee.  (This application must be completed for the following levels of membership with the Harrisburg Chapter:  New/Active, Reinstatement, Transfer and Affiliate Partnership.) Applications are provided after the interest meeting requirement is met.
  3. Interview with membership committee.
  4. Receive a membership committee recommendation.
  5. Submit payment of annual membership dues and applicable fees.
  6. Mandatory attendance at new member orientation meeting.
  7. Mandatory attendance at new member induction ceremony.

Rejoin NCBW Harrisburg Chapter!  -  Former members we would love to welcome you back! 

Any member who has an absence of one (1) year or greater must reapply for reinstatement membership by completing all required steps.  


For further information regarding membership in NCBW Harrisburg Chapter, please contact our 3rd Vice President of Membership and Chapter Development at: